Design a 12m boat based on a
specific brand
specific brand
This was a project completed in a group of four over a period of 12 weeks. The brief was to design a 12m boat based on a specific brand, my group chose the brand 'The North Face'. We were supplied with a CAD model for an existing NIAD hull which our design had to be compatible with.
I have included a selection of our work here, I hope you enjoy seeing the process we went through while developing this vessel.
Above context Keyshot render completed by me.
Starting with this project we saw scope for a North face themed boat to be developed in a range of different areas, including:
- Adventure boat embracing the brand's explorative spirit
- A leisure boat for wealthy owners that still want a taste of adventure in the outdoors
- A climate change research vessel embracing the brand's environmentally conscious values

We decided to develop the boat under the context of it being a research vessel used on expeditions investigating the effects of climate change.
We chose this because we felt it would fit the brand's image and values the best, while also serving as a great publicity and marketing tool for 'The North Face'.
The idea is that the boat could be used within a corporate responsibility program where 'The North Face' will sponsor research expeditions with access to the vessel and other equipment.
We chose to design for an arctic environment due to it fitting the brand's image better and being an area more susceptible to the effects of climate change.
After doing research into the types of Arctic research work that is done, we developed a set of personas to help us design to meet the needs of the people that would be using the vessel.

Brand personality
Researching products designed by 'The North Face' we found that the most distinctive and transferable aspect of the brand was its bold and adventurous personality.
Because of this, we decided the aim for our boat would be to represent The North Face's brand by having a "go anywhere, do anything" attitude.
The key ways to do this would be with:
- Use of bold bright colour pops
- An aggressive but robust form
- Obvious contrasting logo placement


Exploring exterior form with sketches and quick foam models and block-modeled CAD.
The left shows an early review within our group.
Personal ideation sketches with a bold high-shouldered bow, also exploring the potential to incorporate fabric into the vessel in a unique way to reference the brand.

Team review, and the personal ideation sketch that was selected to develop.

Personal digital render showing the selected concept, incorporating bold front and fabric elements. Stern extended and cabin given more aggressive posture to help with proportions.

Developing the interior and exterior form of the boat. Establishing features and facilities/workstations for crew use.
The right shows notes from group discussion over the previous digital render.

1:1 scale chalk drawing team workshop. Planning out the interior layout and rough dimensions.

Early personal CAD development, exploring positioning and proportions of boat features. Deck and feature locations relative to the engine and drive shaft were established here as well.
The decision was made here to use a square front on the boat to refine the proportions and convey stronger feelings of robustness.

Quick personal digital render visualizing the updated design.

Early keyshot renders by a groupmate (Josh).

Personal sketches and CAD underlay render ideating form for the rear canopy roof.

Team workshop session drafting graphic and detail placement over CAD underlays.

Team tape drawing workshop exploring and refining interior layout at the bow.

loose digital render from a groupmate (Erica) visualizing decisions made during the tape
drawing workshop.
drawing workshop.

Loose personal sketches of the rear space underneath the canopy. looking at the facilities required and how they can interact with other boat components/features.

Personal photoshop render visualizing rear canopy space.

Quick CMF Keyshot renders by groupmate (Josh).

Final Design
All CAD on this model was completed by me with the exception of the canopy roof, pillars, and seats (done by Josh).
The right shows a wireframe side view of the final CAD model.

Final CAD model.


1:15 Scale model
Part of the brief was to make a 1:15 scale model of our boat design, we made our model out of a combination of CNC, 3D printed, and hand-crafted parts.
The left shows the final CAD model broken up into components for manufacture, CAD adjustments, and the manufacturing plan for the model were done
by me.
by me.
CNC milling the bow of the boat. Personal sketch drafting manufacturing plan for the cabin.

Assorted construction photos. All group members contributed to the construction.

First dry fit of unfinished components.

Painting and construction of display stand. Painting done by Josh and display stand made by Josh and me.

Studio photography of the completed Model, photos taken by Erica and me.

Team dinner at the end of the project.

Final 1:15 scale model. Named Thalarctos after the Latin word for Polar bear.